Export formats

Wookey wookey at wookware.org
Mon Jun 13 17:05:32 BST 2016

On 2016-06-13 02:41 +0000, Erin Lynch wrote:
> Hi,
> I most frequently use export to SVG and KML export. KML would be greatly enhanced with the option to include passage walls,
> The export format I would find most useful is ESRI shapefile. I've spent a lot of time converting data from survex to compass just so I can use the export to shapefile option in compass. The lack of a shapefile export is a barrier to wider adoption of survex.

That's a good point. Better tools for GIS interworking in general
should be a consideration. Shapefile is a horrible format (have you
read the spec? (presumably due to decades of baggage)) but it is
well-documented and open, and shapelib exists for reading/writing it
(and is packaged in debian) which hopefully hides the ugliness.

When I used qgis it seemed like a good thing would be if survex
provided some way to serve cave data as OWS/WCS/WFS/WMS layers. I
don't know what the best way to implement this is. Maybe servers exist
already and we just need to export vectors or rasters in suitable

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM
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