A valid data format that Survex doesn't accommodate?

Martin Sluka martinsluka at mac.com
Tue Aug 23 13:40:10 BST 2016

What about this:

*team Tom compass1
*instrument compass1 "ubss A"

2.32 45 3
4.34 56 -4

*team Dick Distox2-2
*instrument Distox2-2 "ubss 4" ; try to highlight a potential difficulty

- 225 -2.5
- 57 -3.5

On Aug 23, 2016, at 01:08 PM, Andrew Atkinson <andrew at wotcc.org.uk> wrote:

At one of the many Eurospeleo survey meetings, people raised the survey
method of taking 2 sets (not always full) of instruments which generally
were used for forward and back sights. However, not always; they could be
swapped or both read the same way.
We could not think of a way to currently input this, especially while
keeping track of the instruments. Maybe there is a way, but if there is not
what about (I can then open a ticket....)

Guess we need something like

*team Tom compass1
*team Dick Distox2-2
*instrument compass1 "ubss A"
*instrument Distox2-2 "ubss 4" ; try to highlight a potential difficulty

*data normal station newline direction1 tape1 comp1 clino1 newline
direction2 tape2 comp2 clino2
; guess it would be okay to omit various items, say comp one and clino2, to
be perverse!

F 2.32 45 3
B - 225 -2.5
F 4.34 56 -4
F - 57 -3.5

Guess this could be done inline, but not nice. The F would indicate
following the from to, a B would indicate the opposite direction.

*data normal from to direction1 tape1 comp1 clino1 direction2 tape2 comp2
1 2 F 2.32 45 3 B - 225 -2.5
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