Survex (and therion) source formats

Andrew Atkinson andrew at
Tue Aug 23 08:24:14 BST 2016

>But why are people "munging data between the formats" anyway?  >The
workflow I use keeps the centreline data is in .svx format, which I
process to .3d, and then tell therion to use that for coordinates, e.g.:
>    import ../../../loser/all.3d -surveys use
>There's no need to have the centreline data in the .th file at all.
>Perhaps we just need to promote this feature more if people aren't aware
>it exists.

If you import the top level survey, the naming of stations becomes harder,
although prefix can be used in th2 files, this is also not easy. To get
round this I structure the data so the stations can just be given the
number in the th2 file, making it far easier for more people to help draw
the survey. (Critical for people to have feedback on their work) This means
that you would have to import lots of 3d files, which inevitability would
not be updated, so I converted everything the Therion. (Also at the time
Survex would not take splays well, so would have had a very mixed data set,
granted this is fixed now)

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