Survex 1.2.17 fails to compile on Fedora 21

Wookey wookey at
Mon Mar 2 14:45:33 GMT 2015

+++ Bill Gee [2015-03-02 07:40 -0600]:
> Hi Wookey -

Sorry - I was 

> As it turns out, I cannot remove wxGTK version 2.  There are other 
> applications that depend on it.  Audacity is one, and I use that a lot.  Also 
> hugin.

You don't need to, but could remove the wxGTK2 -dev package which is
picked up for building. Otherwise you'll need to set it explicitly if
the right one isn;t picked up by defaul. (wx-config is used by
configure to sets libs and paths. Which wx-config is set by
'alternatives' in debian - no idea what fedora does)
> I have been looking at Olly's patches from git.  I don't know how to apply 
> them automatically, so I have been trying to type them in.  It's not working.  
> How are git patch applied to a source code tree??

You could just clone the repo?

Otherwise save the patch then apply it with patch:
e.g save

then apply with patch -p1 < d7ee3286eb62f48f485748b6bbae40a546833637.patch

> Alternative - Is there an option for the survex "configure" program that tells 
> it to use wxGTK3 instead of 2?

configure --help shows the options: 
 WX_CONFIG wxWidgets configuration script to use to build Aven 
so that's the name/path of the wx-config program, not a version
number. I assume these are different for wxgtk2 and 3 if they can be
installed side-by side on your machine.

Principal hats:  Linaro, Debian, Wookware, ARM

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