Teaching survex

hongmeiguicc at yahoo.com hongmeiguicc at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 12 04:16:44 GMT 2014

I'm looking for instructional materials (PPTs, handouts, anything else that might be useful) for teaching survex and cave surveying. I was just asked to teach a 5 day (3 classroom, 2 in-cave) course  on surveying to non-caver geology professionals in China starting on the 15th. I am scrambling to come up with course materials, so any assistance would be very much appreciated. I am planning on teaching traditional compass and clino surveying and sketching to scale, plus a brief introduction to DistoX. I'm going to teach survex, and if time permits I'll show them how to use Therion. Since the students are non-cavers I'm also going to go over basic caving safety, cave conservation, and care of caving/surveying equipment.


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