Python script that reads 3d file and writes a javascript file

Wookey wookey at
Fri Oct 11 19:46:58 BST 2013

+++ Michael Lake [2013-10-11 11:36 +1100]:
> Hi all
> At the UIS Congress in Brno someone mentioned that there was a python script
> that read a survex 3d file and wrote a javascript file. Who has that and where
> is it available?

It's here:
the actual script is but
the server runs that rather than lets you download it - hence the .zip

It actualy turns .3d into json, and then wraps it with three.js stuff
for rendering.

There are various examples of the results there:

I/someone should package this software up into a more accessible,
properly licensed form for further development (it's very much proof
of concept so far).

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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