survex error on ubuntu

Olly Betts olly at
Fri Dec 14 10:04:57 GMT 2012

On Fri, Dec 14, 2012 at 08:25:56AM +0800, Vasily Vl. Suhachev wrote:
> cavern: Can't open message file ???ru_RU??? using path ???/usr/share/survex???

Hmm, we probably should default to English if the system language is set
to one we don't have translations for (which is effectively what we do
on Windows).

You can work around this for now by setting this SURVEXLANG:

export SURVEXLANG=en

You can do this in a terminal before running cavern or aven, or more
permanently by putting it in your .bashrc so it is set for all new

> aven just crached without any message

Oops, that crash is definitely a bug - I'll fix that.

> I will translate messages if you say how to do it

You can translate messages on launchpad (you'll need to create an account
there first):

If any messages need more context, or have you have other questions,
just let me know.


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