Terraintool 1.12a

Mike McCombe mikemccombe at btinternet.com
Mon Apr 2 15:26:05 BST 2012

A new version of TerrainTool (1.12a) is now available via the UBSS website
at http://www.ubss.org.uk and, thanks to Wookey, it is also available as a
package for Debian 7 and, in due course, Ubuntu 12.04


The main enhancement is support for the ASTER-2 dataset which is of much
better quality than the original ASTER data. There is also a change to the
place TerrainTool stores its raw SRTM and ASTER tiles. Existing users are
advised to read the Release Notes, linked from the UBSS site. Source code is
also now downloadable.


Thanks to Andrew Atkinson, Wookey, Graham Mullan and UBSS.


Best wishes,

Mike McCombe


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