Survex 1.2.0 released

Olly Betts olly at
Tue Sep 20 03:15:23 BST 2011

I've just uploaded Survex 1.2.0:

No, you really did read that right - 1.2.0 is finally released!

Nothing earth-shattering has changed since 1.1.16, this really just reflects
that things have stabilised, and that this is now the version most users will
want to be using.

There's a build for Mac OS X available thanks to a developer friend (Dan
Colish).  This should work for Intel Macs running OS X 10.6 (aka
Snow Leopard) or newer.  Older OS X versions are no longer supported by
Apple, and 10.6 only supports Intel Macs, so hopefully this will be
suitable for most Mac users.  If you want to build your own, see the
instructions at:

Here are SHA1 checksums should you want to verify the integrity of the

03d5e7a119f5399c9ec421dcece6369d558f5f57  survex-1.2.0.tar.gz
638acb4fea6c244e51a32ce2b5fa5030b9f62567  survex-macosx-1.2.0.dmg
51f54ee5d5cebef200d201ecec2eadd56fd8aff7  survex-win32-1.2.0.exe

I've created a wiki page for "release notes", which I'll try to keep updated    with any issues found, so take a look there for the latest information:

Please report any issues you find which are not covered in the release notes
to the bug tracker (

Changes in 1.2.0 (2011-09-20):

* Translation updates for Catalan, French, Romanian, Spanish, Slovak, and US

* tests/smoke.tst: aven no longer requires an X display for --help or
  --version, so replace skip of this check with a check that this remains the

* We now use the standard .po and .pot file formats for storing translations
  (rather than the Survex-specific messages.txt format), and then translate
  these into Survex's .msg format.

* (Unix version): Move survex man page to section 7 (since it isn't documenting
  an actual command).

* (Unix version): Write each generated man page to a temporary file, then
  atomically rename, to avoid leaving an empty or partial man page behind if
  docbook-to-man dies (1.1.16 had an empty cad3d.1, and we want to avoid a
  recurrence of that).

* (Unix version): Default to installing docs into /usr/share/doc/survex rather
  than /usr/doc/survex.

* aven:

  + Fix handling of accented characters in the survey pane.

  + Aven icon redrawn in SVG format - it's now a vector image which looks
    nicer at larger sizes.

  + Explicitly request double-buffering, which seems to be needed for systems
    with GLX >= 1.3.

  + Fix crash while trying to load certain .3d files.

  + Movie export code updated to work with more recent versions of FFmpeg.
    Currently this is disabled in Microsoft Windows builds, pending getting the
    required libraries set up for building releases.

  + Reporting of errors during movie export improved.

  + Force playback speed to "x1" during movie export.

  + Use stock IDs for buttons where appropriate - such buttons may now be
    rendered with icons on some platforms.

  + If a label isn't valid UTF-8, treat it as CP1252 (the Microsoft superset of

  + (Unix version): Remove special handling for toggling "full screen" on wxGTK
    as it's no longer required with modern versions.

  + Don't redraw the survey on every mouse movement in the survey pane unless
    the measuring line is (or just was) active.  (ticket #17)

* cavern:

  + Drop "non-fatal" from the report of how many errors there were at the end
    of the run - it just confuses users - we won't even get here if there's a
    fatal error!

  + Add --3d-version option to allow the user to specify the version of the 3d
    format to output.  (ticket#21)

* img library:

  + Make the highest and lowest valid values for img_output_version available
    in img.h as IMG_VERSION_MIN and IMG_VERSION_MAX.

* (Mac OS X version): Fix script to check where the temporary
  volume actually gets mounted.  Fix URL for downloading wxWidgets.

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