Surface data
wookey at
Fri Sep 9 13:53:31 BST 2011
+++ Stuart Bennett [2011-09-09 13:39 +0100]:
> On 09/09/11 13:34, Wookey wrote:
> >That's a 3d file generated by the same version of cavern as the aven
> >you are displaying it with?
> yes
> >Did you just apt-get install current or
> >build locally?
> local build of release tarball
> >I've not seen that error from aven before, and can find no references
> >in the survex mailing list so I don't really know what's up. Is aven
> >just totally broken for you?
> ./aven runs, but dies when I try to open a file
> >What is the machine running?
> OpenSUSE 11.4 64
> >Does the 'about' dialog have an useful
> >opengl diagnositics?
> Sadly not:
> Linux x86_64
> wxWidgets 2.8.11 (GTK+ >= 2.6)
> Display Depth: 24 bpp (colour)
> No OpenGL information available yet - try opening a file.
> Maybe it doesn't like me using the free opengl drivers :)
Looks like it does indeed not like your mesa/opengl driver. I guess it
doesn;t try to initialise until a file is opened and it blows up at
that point so we can't see what it did find.
What video card is it and which drivers? Does anything else opengl-ish
work (glgears? loch (therion), anything else using vtk?). Aven doesn't
do anything very exciting so should work as well as other stuff.
You can submit a bugrep here:
(I've cc:ed the mailing list)
Principal hats: Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM
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