
Mike McCombe mikemccombe at btinternet.com
Tue Jul 28 08:33:41 BST 2009

As luck would have it, within a day or two of me releasing a new version of TerrainTool, NASA released version 2.1 of the SRTM data. This changes the directory name on their server where the data is stored and prevents TerrainTool 1.02 from automatically downloading what it needs. A new version of TerrainTool (1.03) which works with their new directory names is available from http://uk.geocities.com/mikemccombe@btinternet.com/terraintool.htm 

Sorry for the inconvenience!

Thank you to everyone who offered me webspace for TerrainTool. I now have something lined up and will  notify everyone via the list when it's all working.

Best regards,

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