display cross hangs machine

Carlos "Guâno" Grohmann carlos.grohmann at gmail.com
Wed May 2 16:59:46 BST 2007

Works perfectly!


On 5/1/07, Olly Betts <olly at survex.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 01, 2007 at 10:21:54PM -0300, Carlos Gu?no Grohmann wrote:
> > OpenGL 2.0.6334 (8.34.8)
> > [...]
> > GL_ARB_point_parameters GL_ARB_point_sprite GL_ARB_shader_objects
> OK, this means that we try to draw crosses using "point sprites".
> First thing to check is that it is the use of point sprites that is
> causing the problem.  Can you add:
>     glpoint_sprite = false;
> At line 350 of src/gla-gl.cc and recompile aven.
> Cheers,
>     Olly

              Carlos Henrique Grohmann - Guano
  Geologist M.Sc  - Doctorate Student at IGc-USP - Brazil
Linux User #89721  - carlos dot grohmann at gmail dot com
"Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows
95 from my hard drive."
--The winning entry in a "What were HAL's first words" contest judged
by 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY creator Arthur C. Clarke

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