more vim stuff

Thomas Holder ThomasxHolder at
Wed Sep 20 13:16:11 BST 2006


I finally managed to enhance my vim filetype plugin with some (hopefully
useful) nice features :-)

 * When hitting <Enter> at the end of a data line where the first two
   columns are station names (from/to), then the next line becomes auto
   completed with the increased station names. This only works with
   station names that end with digits.
 * If the cursor is over a command, F2 opens the text manual for this
   command (the location of manual.txt must be set in
 * F5: cavern, F6: aven, F7: cnext, F8: cprev, F9: view err file
 * the err syntax highlighting no more matches "Error" but "[A-Za-z]\+"
   for also matching translated messages.

Tested on Gentoo, Ubuntu and WinXP. In Ubuntu+gvim aven does not start
because of the & in the end!? On WinXP the survex installation path must
be added to %PATH%.



PS @ David Loeffler: syntax highlighting is broken when placing a
comment behind a *include command

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