Survex 1.1.11 development snapshot uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Mon Nov 27 18:51:30 GMT 2006

[Currently the mail server hosting is being deluged with vast
quantities of spam - so much that it's struggling to accept much normal
mail!  I've set up a backup to queue mail so nothing should be lost -
please be patient and resist the temptation to try resending mail that
doesn't appear, as it should get through eventually.  I'll report back
once this is resolved.]

I've just uploaded 1.1.11:

Please note that this is a test build of the development version.
Things should mostly work, but you're more likely to encounter problems
than with the stable 1.0.X versions.  I'd certainly not recommend
installing this as your only survex version and going on expedition...

But please do download it and try it out.  I think this is getting close
to what I'd like to release as Survex 1.2, so please report any problems
(even if you've reported them before!)

Changes in 1.1.11 (2006-11-25):

* Updated Czech, Spanish, and Slovak translations.

* (MacOS X version): Assorted OS X specific tweaks and fixes.

* aven:

  + Pick a smaller and clearer font for labels.

  + Fix character spacing.

  + Tweak display of bearing and elevation angles to look nicer with
    proportional fonts.

  + Use the title from the 3d (or plt, etc) file for the window title
    rather than the filename.

  + Show distances to 2 decimal places rather than the nearest integer.

  + Only consider underground legs when calculating the depth bands and
    depth colouring.

  + Add "Colour by Error".

  + Add entry for "white" in date and error keys.

  + When setting the view to a single point, don't change the scale.

  + If reloading the same file, don't change the view

  + Fix filetypes selector in open dialog.

  + Fix the charset we use for aven in certain cases.

  + Call msg_init before using msg_lang or it won't ever be set!

  + Pass wx the full language code to initialise the C library locale.

  + Fix bug in generating prefix tree view which could lead to a bogus
    leading dot on some survey names (bug probably introduced in 1.1.10).

  + "New Presentation" now ensures that the side panel is open

  + Fix updating of cached opengl lists when the view is reset to the

* Ignore LANG if it starts with a digit to avoid problems with bogus value for
  LANG which AutoCAD installation seems to set on MS Windows.

* (Unix version): configure: Allow SGMLTOOLS and DOCBOOK_TO_MAN to be
  specified.  Either/both can be set to ":".

* dump3d: Report unknown (to dump3d) codes returned by img.

* img library: Flag all stations as underground in the old "ASCII" .3d format.


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