Survex 1.1.8 development snapshot uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Sun Jul 2 03:24:30 BST 2006

On Fri, Jun 30, 2006 at 01:34:20PM -0300, Carlos Gu?no Grohmann wrote:
> OK. I've never heard about debuild before. I liked it.
> So, in the end of the process, it gives me this:
> dpkg-gencontrol: warning: unknown substitution variable ${misc:Depends}

OK, that's nothing to worry about (it's a debhelper thing which it's
recommended to include but which doesn't currently expand to anything
for the survex packaging).

> but it creates the .deb. I installed it with dpkg, but if I try to run
> aven, I get a windows with this error msg:
> Can't open message file `en_US' using path `${prefix}/share/survex'

OK, that's the autoconf problem other people have hit.

I'll put the debuild instructions somewhere useful on the website.


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