wireframe-generating scripts

Paul Fretwell paul.fretwell at accelrys.com
Thu Dec 14 17:17:14 GMT 2006

I recently wrote a quick routine to do just this in Visual Basic.NET (so 
probably of no direct use to most of you ;-)  ). I can send you a binary 
for Windows if it is of any use. You enter the position in meters of the 
first data value found in the file into fields on the form UI, select the 
CSV file and click the 'Go' button. The row and column spacing of the 
values in the grid are read from a header line in the CSV file. The CSV 
file is interpreted as the first data point being the NW corner, and the 
last data point (last point in last line) as the SE corner of the surface 
grid. All units are assumed to be in meters. If outputs a SVX file of 
surface data in the format recommended in the survex manual.


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