wireframe-generating scripts

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Thu Dec 7 03:12:49 GMT 2006

On Thu, Dec 07, 2006 at 02:16:59AM +0000, Wookey wrote:
> So what I need now is the bit everyone needs - a simple way to turn
> such an X-Y grid (containig Z) into a wireframe survex file (or even
> the option to gives survex the data directly and it make a wireframe
> automagically.)

Direct loading of terrain data is very high on my todo list now.

> Does anyone have any code for this? Save the spreadsheet as CSV and
> run a bit of perl over it seems the obvious way. I am hoping someone
> has already done this...

I have, but I don't seem to have the code around.  It's simple to do
though - you'd probably spend nearly as long adapting it to fit your
input as you would starting from scratch.

> 3) It would of course numebr the X and Y differently so as not to
> generate hundreds of loops (which the current crufty solution does).

See the "Add surface topology" section of the manual, which describes
the recommended approach for generating such surface meshes.  This
approach avoids creating loops or duplicate stations at the same


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