Mouse controls (was: Re: Survex 1.1.3 test version uploaded)

Wookey wookey at
Tue Sep 13 13:55:35 BST 2005

+++ Olly Betts [05-09-13 03:58 +0100]:
> If the new bindings
> are genuinely generally disliked, then we should simply revert to the
> old ones.  So far all the feedback on the bindings as they exist in
> 1.1.3 I've had (except from you and Dave Loeffler) has been positive.
> But it's quite possible there's a silent majority who hate them. 

I (and possibly most other users) have entirely failed to comment on this
because I use survex 1.0 exclusively (because it's what I get in debian). 

So I have no idea what I think of the new keybindings. I am certainly happy
with the old ones, although do agree that occaisionally one wants to be able
to zoom without rotation, so  modifier for that would work wel).

I also observe that when tilting with the 3rd button I expect it to rotate when
moved sideway (i.e. have it work more like button 1). Perhaps it should?

Perhaps it is time to make some survex1.1 debian packages to make it easier
to try out the development version? We'd have think about how the transition
to 1.2 would work.

Aleph One Ltd, Bottisham, CAMBRIDGE, CB5 9BA, UK  Tel +44 (0) 1223 811679
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