Mouse controls (was: Re: Survex 1.1.3 test version uploaded)

Mark Shinwell Mark.Shinwell at
Tue Sep 13 09:39:09 BST 2005

On Tue, Sep 13, 2005 at 03:58:30AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 12, 2005 at 04:10:23PM +0100, Mark Shinwell wrote:
> > To this end I have produced a patch which allows one to select the
> > traditional bindings for current and future Aven sessions.
> As I've explained before, I don't want to go down this road.  We need to
> have a good default set of key and mouse bindings.  If the new bindings
> are genuinely generally disliked, then we should simply revert to the
> old ones.

Or at least the old ones with some facility for locking the scaling or
rotation on the left button.

The old controls do need adjusting to some extent anyway so that they
can be used effectively when the mouse doesn't have enough buttons.

> As I've already explained in private mail, I can't easily just give you
> direct commit access at present as the server isn't mine to dole out
> accounts on.  I've been considering what the best answer is, but for now
> it's easiest for me just to take patches.

To be honest that scheme is never going to work: I am not necessarily
working on one modification at a time.  This particularly applies to the
Mac fixes which are in dribs and drabs all over the place as I notice
things wrong.  It might be possible to merge a batch of changes at once
perhaps though.

The best answer is surely for you to put me in touch with the server's
owner and see if we can come to an arrangement between us.  I don't see
why it needs to be so difficult.
> * The fancy print preview mode.  I've got a version from you and a
>   version from Phil (which I think he started hacking on after you
>   left), so I'm unsure what's what anyway.  It looks like it needs
>   some more work too - for example I don't see how to set the scale to
>   (say) 1:500 which is vital functionality.

That still needs a *lot* of work; I shall have a look once I copy the
stuff of the expedition computer (I haven't had it back for long).  Even
the code written there probably needs doing again now it has been
experimented with.

> * A much looser choice of font for generating the file used to draw
>   station names.  I suspect this is just a quick hack because you were
>   lacking the font as specified (only an issue when building from CVS).
>   It at least needs tightening to fix the encoding...

I intend to fix the font handling at some stage so that it doesn't have
to be compiled in and can use a proper system font.

> > - You shouldn't have to use both hands to control the cave when you have
> >   a three-buttoned mouse (at the moment you have to press Control to
> >   tilt, which I find difficult to do with the hand holding the mouse).
> You don't have to use a second hand - the scroll wheel tilts the cave
> (thanks to a patch from Phil).

So we now have bindings for pressing the scrollwheel, and scrolling the
scrollwheel?  That sounds deeply unintuitive to me and liable to lead
to accidental tilts when pressing (I for example have a mouse where the
scrollwheel requires very little resistance to move up and down).


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