Survex 1.1.6 development snapshot uploaded

Olly Betts olly at
Tue Oct 11 18:33:08 BST 2005

Wookey has answered most of this, but here are a few extra notes.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2005 at 08:47:02AM +0100, Andy Waddington wrote:
> The Debian one you cite is for i86, the RPM is a source one (I
> expect there's an i86 binary too).

Actually, no.  Shipping a single binary RPM doesn't work because the
various RPM using distributions don't currently use ABI-compatible C++
compilers.  So we ship a source one and give instructions for how to
build and install it on the RPM download page (it's a single commmand).

> I failed to mention that I'm building for Sparc64.

Ah, well you should have said.  I'll upload a source deb for 1.1.7.

> > Yes, but you probably only have the X runtime libraries, not those
> > required to actually build applications which use X.
> Ah yes - should have thought of that. Would be useful if the script was
> a bit more verbose and said "checking for X-devel" or "X header files"
> or "X development libraries" or whatever.

It's not my wording, but a standard autoconf macro.  If you feel
strongly enough, suggest a wording change to the autoconf developers.

> Ah, thankyou very much - I had been trying to find something that would
> point me to a way to search for what package might meet a particular
> requirement or contain a particular file, and hadn't found one yet.

Annoyingly, "dpkg -S" will tell you which installed package owns a file
but doesn't work for uninstalled packages.  But there's a web search
which can tell you:

> One of the reasons I'm trying to do this is so that I will eventually
> be able to build a binary package for Sparc (and later Solaris) and
> provide it for the survex download page.

I know several people run Survex on Solaris (I suspect mostly because
Sun do good deals for universities so they tend to have Sun kit), so a
Solaris package would be nice to have.

> and ts quite probable that when I come to Solaris, I may need to build the
> dependencies first ...

I suspect so.  Quick hint - you need to configure wx with --with-opengl
for 1.1.X, which is probably not stated anywhere prominent.  I've just
updated the INSTALL file to include some helpful notes.


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