David Loeffler
dl267 at
Fri Feb 25 19:17:17 GMT 2005
On Thu, 24 Feb 2005, Carlos Henrique Grohmann wrote:
> I believe that since svx data files are so simple, people just prefer to
> write them in some text editor (vi, emacs, gedit etc).
> Carlos
I agree with Carlos here: I edit Survex files in my favourite text
editor, which on my usual Linux box happens to be gvim.
One thing I've often thought would be useful to have, however, would be an
archive of syntax-highlighting definition files for editing Survex data in
various different text editors.
So I'd like to hopefully kick-start this process by offering up a syntax
file for gvim. Suggestions and patches are welcome; and indeed if anyone
else has a similar file of their own, post it up too and we'll see if we
can hack together a version combining the best of each.
" Vim syntax file
" Language: Survex
" Maintainer: David Loeffler <dave at>
" Last Change: $Date: 2005/02/25 18:45:00 $
" Filenames: *.svx
" Note: The definitions below are taken from the Survex user
manual as of February 2005, for version 1.0.34; several inconsistencies
discovered in the process were clarified by reference to source code
" For version 5.x: Clear all syntax items
" For version 6.x: Quit when a syntax file was already loaded
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
" Always ignore case
syn case ignore
" Fudgery - I can't persuade it to understand that * is part of the
command names.
syn match svxAsterisk "^\s*\*"
" Fudgery II - this is used to mask out anything else from matching.
syn match svxAnything ".*" contained
" Command names: these first few take no interesting arguments
syn keyword svxCmd contained begin date
syn keyword svxCmd contained end entrance equate export fix
syn keyword svxCmd contained include require
syn keyword svxCmd contained solve title truncate
syn keyword svxCmdDeprecated contained default prefix
" These commands accept the whole of the rest of the line as argument,
irrespective of whitespace.
syn keyword svxCmd contained copyright instrument team
syn keyword svxCmd calibrate sd units contained nextgroup=svxQty
syn keyword svxQty contained altitude backbearing backclino
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxQty contained backcompass backgradient bearing clino
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxQty contained compass count counter declination
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxQty contained default depth dx dy dz easting gradient
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxQty contained length level northing plumb position
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxQty contained tape
nextgroup=svxQty,svxUnit skipwhite
syn keyword svxCmd case contained nextgroup=svxCase skipwhite
syn keyword svxCase contained preserve toupper tolower contained
syn keyword svxCmd data contained nextgroup=svxStyle skipwhite
syn keyword svxStyle contained default normal diving topofil
nextgroup=svxField skipwhite
syn keyword svxStyle contained cartesian cylpolar nosurvey
nextgroup=svxField skipwhite
syn keyword svxStyleDeprecated topofil
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite altitude
backbearing backclino
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite
backcompass backgradient bearing clino
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite compass
count counter depth depthchange
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite direction
dx dy dz easting from
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite fromcount
fromdepth gradient ignore
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite ignoreall
length newline northing
syn keyword svxField contained nextgroup=svxField skipwhite station
tape to tocount todepth
syn keyword svxCmd contained nextgroup=svxFlag skipwhite flags
syn keyword svxFlag contained nextgroup=svxFlag skipwhite not
duplicate surface splay
syn keyword svxCmd contained nextgroup=svxInferrable skipwhite infer
syn keyword svxInferrable contained nextgroup=svxOnOff skipwhite plumbs
equates exports
syn keyword svxOnOff contained on off
syn keyword svxCmd contained nextgroup=svxVariable skipwhite set
syn keyword svxVariable contained blank comment decimal eol
keyword minus
syn keyword svxVariable contained names omit plus root
syn keyword svxCmd contained nextgroup=svxQty skipwhite units
syn keyword svxUnit contained yards feet metric metres meters
syn keyword svxUnit contained deg degrees grads mils percent
syn keyword svxUnit contained deg degrees grads mils minutes
" Miscellaneous things that are spotted everywhere
syn keyword svxMisc reference - down up
" Comments
syn match svxComment ";.*"
" Strings (double-quote)
syn region svxString start=+"+ end=+"+
" Catch errors caused by filenames containing whitespace
" This is just an example really, to show the kind of
" error-trapping that's possible
syn match svxFilenameError "\*include\s*[^"]\+\s\+[^\s"]\+"
" Define the default highlighting.
" For version 5.7 and earlier: only when not done already
" For version 5.8 and later: only when an item doesn't have highlighting
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_survex_syn_inits")
if version < 508
let did_survex_syn_inits = 1
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi link <args>
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
HiLink svxString String
HiLink svxComment Comment
HiLink svxCmd Statement
HiLink svxStyle Type
HiLink svxUnit Identifier
HiLink svxQty Identifier
HiLink svxCase Identifier
HiLink svxField Identifier
HiLink svxFlag Identifier
HiLink svxInferrable Identifier
HiLink svxOnOff Special
HiLink svxVariable Identifier
HiLink svxMisc Special
HiLink svxAsterisk Statement
HiLink svxFilenameError Error
HiLink svxCmdDeprecated Todo
HiLink svxStyleDeprecated Todo
delcommand HiLink
let b:current_syntax = "survex"
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L2 Burrell's Field Mobile 07792318628
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