Survex 1.1.1 test version uploaded

John Pybus john.pybus at
Wed Oct 13 00:12:10 BST 2004

Olly Betts wrote:
> That's a feature, not a bug - from the release announcement:
> * aven: Mouse actions changed (hopefully they're now more natural, but
>   you may find the change disorientating - feedback wanted on
>   this).
> I must admit I don't like the change myself (Mark made it), but I'm of
> course very used to the old controls so I thought I'd better see what
> other people thought.  But as Dave Loeffler has pointed out to me,
> having tilt and rotate together means you can't rotate plan view with
> the mouse without it straying off.
> So far everyone who's commented doesn't like the change, so I'm inclined
> to revert this even though the new arrangement is more logical in some
> ways (sorry Mark!)

Perhaps that is because people who see it as an improvement don't 
comment, while those who it annoys are inclined to winge.

I certainly think it is an improvement.  It always used to annoy me that 
  rotating the cave was likely to change the zoom.  It would be perfect 
if there was a way to rotate only (after all, shift middle tilts only), 
perhaps shift button-1 could be changed to do that?


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