drawing up - seeking advice

Philip Underwood furbrain@furbrain.screaming.net
01 Apr 2004 10:33:50 +0100

On Tue, 2004-03-30 at 15:14, Olly Betts wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 30, 2004 at 02:03:11PM +0100, Wookey wrote:

> > Not really, but someone really needs to add 'print current view' to aven,
> > and take the opportunity to use the OS printing system. Phil underwood got
> > vageuly inspired about this a couple of weekends ago. That would definately
> > improve people's lives.
> Matt Ryan is also interested in doing this, though I think he's been a
> bit busy to have made much headway.
> The best approach is probably to use the wxWindows printing framework
> (which uses the OS printing system).  Talking to the OS directly means
> you need to implement it for every platform yourself.

I'm actually half way through implementing the print feature on aven,
and I am, indeed, using the wxWindows printing system. This would also
allow one to preview the survey before you print it (which would be

Getting the survey to print out as it appears on the screen may involve
a bit of magic - you not only have to get the scale right, but if you're
only looking at a small part of the survey, then you have to get the
right bit to print.

I should have the basic printing bit working by tomorrow, and the "print
whats on the screen" by maybe next week.
