
Michael Lake
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 13:59:36 +1000

OK this is realllyyyy off topic to cave surveying but.....

Robert Smallshire wrote:
> The number of users who are happy with using a command line - or indeed are
> capable of _finding_ a command line is dwindling inexorably.  

I think the command line will still be around in 20 years time. Yes
probably only used by a minority but it will outlast any GUI we have
today :-)

> remain a niche tool for the expert done for the purposes of writing a 'good'
> cave survey processor - like the difference between Emacs + Latex and
> MS-Word.

Yay for LaTeX ! - I typeset the Journal of the Royal Society of NSW in
LaTeX on Linux and now the Sydney University Speleological Society has
given up on using MS Word for its caving bulletin and are now using
LaTeX on Windows. The editor is so impressed with pdflatex compared to
Word - for speed, typographic quality and stability.
> Don't estimate the effort required for a top-notch UI!
Yes it hard and will not please everyone. 

!!! At least DO KEEP a command line and ability to edit text files with
a text editor. !!!

Michael Lake
Active caver, Linux enthusiast and interested in anything technical.