
David Gibson
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 09:48:07 +0100

In article "Survex" in <!survex>, on Wed, 10 Jul 2002
Wookey <> wrote

>> Wookey - you didnt give Bill's email address
>yes I did

So you did. Sorry.

>The whole 'monolithic application' concept without which most Windows users
>seem unable to function seems rather odd when you come from a 'small, simple,
>tools for the job' background. It's all about interface expectations.

Im sure you are right. But interface expectations are just that :-)

There is certainly the expectation with 'modern' Windows software (i.e.
not software that's migrated from 3.1) that there is 'no need' to read a
manual, e.g. that menus are intuitive and there is context-sensitive
help. Using such a package is 'pleasing'. :-)

I have to agree with Graham Mullan's comments too.

If I had the relevant skills Id offer them. Im sure its just a case of a
few lines of Visual Basic. When I get there (Im trying to teacgh myself
VB at the moment) I'll let you know.
David Gibson