Survex Help

Olly Betts
Thu, 28 Feb 2002 20:38:11 +0000

I've copied this reply to the survex mailing list as I believe this information
is not currently in the manual - I'll rectify that in the next release.

> After loading survex and unzipping "sample" could not open any of the files
> with extension *.svx, It seemed to what files that have extension  *.3d. but
> there are no files with this extension?

You need to right-click on a .svx file in explorer and choose "Process" from
the menu which appears.  This will create/update a corresponding .3d file in
the same directory.

> How do I start a survey of my own, as there are no "new" or "start new
> survey"

Simply type in the survey data into a text editor (e.g. Notepad) and save it
with a name ending ".svx".  Some people create a "template" .svx file with the
usual commands but no survey data to remind them what to fill in.  If you take
this approach, it's a good idea to make the template read-only (right click
menu, and choose properties).
