Survex digest, Vol 1 #136 - 3 msgs

Eric Madelaine
Thu, 09 Aug 2001 16:46:00 +0200 said:
> Yes, LRUD are dependant on a shot but there are three ways they can
> be taken:

> 	- perpendicular to next;
> 	- perpendicular to last;
> 	- average between last and next. 

If you have a second look to the way this is done in Toporobot, you comme to 
the idea that the 3 ways listed by Richard are for LR dimensions only.

In practice, if you have tried to apply this to UD data, you will probably 
need to specify vertical dimension differently, e.g.:
	- vertical
	- bissectrice (average)
	- horizontal
It appears (may be only to me ???) more intuitive when taking your mesures 
underground, but also gives you a better tool for describing pits...

Eric Madelaine.
	(by the way, I do not use Toporobot...)