Survex 0.95 prerelease 2 available

Olly Betts
Thu, 07 Sep 2000 17:15:55 +0100

I've uploaded a second source-only prerelease of 0.95:

Changes in 0.95-prerelease2:

* Minor tweaks to some messages.

* 3dtodxf: Fixed calculation of bounding box if all coordinates are negative
  in one or more axes.
* Added Wookey's man pages - these just list the command line options and
  point to the HTML documentation.
* Fixes for compilation problems on non-Linux UNIX platforms.
If you try this out, please run "make check" in the build directory to run
the test suite and let me know if anything fails.

I'll see if I can find time to upload some binary versions shortly.
