Error with Survex

Olly Betts
Tue, 28 Mar 2000 07:50:45 +0100

>>It says that the matrix did not invert.
>It's a bug in the program - you shouldn't be able to trigger that message
>whatever data you feed in.
>Unfortunately I'm now in Australia until June.  Mike Lake has lent me an
>internet connection, but it's badly lagged to the UK.  Maybe I can take a
>look while I'm over here, but otherwise I'm afraid the only workaround is to
>drop back to 0.91

Actually there's a better way (sorry, I was a bit jet-lagged yesterday).
You can use the '-z' debugging command line option to turn off certain
network optimisations.

The one you probably want it 'cavern -zd mysurvey.svx', but you can use any
combinations of the letters 'l', 'p', and 'd' after the '-z'.  Repeating
letters has no effect.  Order is unimportant.
