Spud - a broader definition of "survey data"?

Julian Todd julian@goatchurch.org.uk
Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:32:01 -0000

Just on the subject of archiving.  

There is a movement in the academic community to archive 
research papers (instead of having them available only 
in copyrighted journals).  One site of this can be 
found at  http://www.eprints.org
where you can get the software for self-archiving the material 
in a way that robots can go and find it and organize it.  

Now, there should be such an archive established for all spelaeological 
articles (eg those printed in UBSS procedings).  
And a a similar idea ought to work for self-archiving survey 
data and expo reports.  

In my view the actual format that the survey data is archived is 
not of importance, just as long as it is digital and it is theoretically 
straightforward to get at the data or text.  

Julian Todd.