Direct X Caverot - test version available

Paul Fretwell
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:46:55 -0000

Seeing as nobody has posted results for NT yet, I've just given it a go. I
couldn't find any sample data on the Survex website, but I found a file
(loser.3d) on the OpenGL Caverot site which I used. 

It appears to work fine. I am not too familiar with Caverot, so I only tried
viewing the cave by moving the mouse and switching between plan and
elevation views. I am not sure what the vertical line down the left side of
the screen is indicating. It decreases in length from the top of the screen
until it is only half the height of the screen as I zoom out, then jumps
back to full screen height again. Other than that the whole display is very
smooth (running on a Pentium III 600 with 128MB Ram at work).

I am running NT4 with SP4 and I have not knowingly installed DirectX! There
is certainly no direct X icon on the control panel and a search for
'DIRECT*' on the hard disk finds no matching DirectX files.


-----Original Message-----
From: Olly Betts []
Sent: 05 December 2000 10:55
To: Martin Ellis
Subject: Re: Direct X Caverot - test version available 

Martin Ellis writes:
>Works on my Windows 98 4.10.1998 Pentium II machine.

That's good.

>I don't know when I can try it out on the problematical NT computer.

OK.  It would be interesting to hear if it works on NT.

Josep Guarro writes:
>I'm using W98 and it doesn't work. 

That's not so good.  Josep, I wonder if perhaps you don't have the direct x
libraries installed?

Incidentally, according to the Microsoft directx FAQ, for directx on NT4 you
need to install service pack 6:

