Survex 1.0 within sight

Gavin Lowe
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 14:39:22 +0100 (BST)

Olly asks for suggestions for new features for Survex.  Here are three
small things I'd like:

1. Allow the user to include legs that are used for calculating the
coordinates, but omitted from the survey diagrams.  For example, the Pozu
Jultayu streamway has a choke where the survey gives the downstream end as
being higher than the upstream end (oops!).  I've hacked this by adding a
horizontal leg through the choke, but this leg should not be included in
the survey diagrams.  (BTW, is there a better solution to this problem?)

2. Differentiate between magnetic deviation (i.e., the difference between
magnetic and grid north) and calibration (i.e., the difference between a
particular compass's reading and magnetic north).  I'm about to convert all
our coordinates to UTM (as we did a lot of GPS logging this year), so need
to allow for magnetic deviation; however, I don't want to have to go
through all our data and change every compass calibration we've ever done.

3. Allow the user to specify where Survex looks for input files.  For
example, I'd like to do something like (under csh):

setenv TEXINPUTS .:${SURVEXHOME}/share/survex:~/Caving/Expedition/Surveys/MagDev

and have Survex search those directories in that order (to allow it to pick
up files defining the BCRA grades, and magnetic deviations for different
years, respectively).
