Cave Technology Symposium (UK)

David Gibson david.list at
Wed Mar 14 16:26:11 GMT 2007

Cave Technology Symposium

This is a memo to various mailing lists, as well as to a range of the
'usual suspects' (from those who have vaguely promised to perhaps give a
talk all the way to those who have actually paid their admission fee in

For those of you who dont know or cannot remember, this event is being
organised jointly by BCRA's Cave Surveying Group and Cave Radio &
Electronics Group, and will take place on 14 April in Derbyshire (UK).

If you have offered to give a talk or produce a poster, please can you
confirm as soon as possible and give me a summary of your talk (anything
from 30 words will do!) so I can put it in the programme and attempt to
plan a timetable.  If I tell you that I have had only one summary so
far, but lots of "promises" you'll see the problem I face.

It would also be tremendously helpful if you could pay in advance via
the web site or at the very least, email me to say youre coming. This is
because it is helpful to have a definite indication of how many people
are going to turn up. Im hoping that we can provide breakfast on
Saturday morning (bacon or sausage sandwich, or croissants perhaps) but
we cannot do that without knowing likely numbers.

Dont forget that, even if you arent planning to give a formal talk,
there will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and chat. Bring some
equipment with you if you like. Bring your laptop and your favourite bit
of software to show off during the coffee breaks. Bring a poster or cave
survey. Bring your photos to put on the display boards. Bring your club
journals to sell.  If you can tell me in advance that youre doing any of
this, it helps the planning!

Further information and a provisional programme is available at

Sent to: CREG committee, CSG committee (4), John Hey, John Rabson, Mike
Bedford, Keith Plumb, Phil Underwood, Mike McCombe, Graham Naylor, Les
Williams, Cookie, Nick Williams, Jon Whiteley, David Brenkley, Footleg,
Chris Howes, BCRA Council [Trevor Faulkner] = 20
EUG list, CS list, Speleonics list, Meetings list = 4
David Gibson

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