guidelines for authors of cave surveys

Philipp Haeuselmann
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 13:45:36 +0100 (MET)

Hello All

After having layouted some caving publications, I have now found the solution
that fits best to me. These include the following guidelines for authors:

- Try to draw in the formats A4 (fits page),or A2 (fits A4 page if reduced to
50 %). Try, if possible, avoiding A3 (only suitable for the middle page) or
A1. Try to avoid, if ever, rectangular formats...

- Scan the cave plans (which here are usually B/W) in a good resolution 
(400 or 600 dpi), format TIFF. This makes a giant file. 
If you didn't add the lettering already, do it now (p.ex in Illustrator).
Then, delete the cave plan in your Illustrator file, save the Lettering in EPS.
Then, compress your giant TIFF with GraphicConverter or similar software
to a CCITT 3 TIFF file - it will be reduced to 200-400 kb.

- Send the CCITT file and the EPS file separately - they will be imported and
layouted independently within PageMaker.

This procedure has the following advantages:
- CCITT is very small, but decompresses correctly in PageMaker, it is 
usually "inflatable" without any loss of information
- The accompanying lettering is also a small EPS. It also can be readjusted
or rezoomed in PM or Illustrator.
==> a bunch of small files with big power!
If ever I have time (rarely for the moment) I am preparing a sort of inventory
for the Innerbergli Karren field (Siebenhengste), with some 100 caves and
400 small objects. Without this possibility to save HD space, it would simply 
not be possible to realise the inventory....

Many greetings


        (o o)
+---oOO--( )--OOo---------------------------------------------+
! Dr. Philipp Haeuselmann          Tel. 0041 31 332 01 74     !
! Haldenstr. 32                                               !
! 3014 Bern (Switzerland)          email:! 
!                                                             !
!      !
+---oOO--( )--OOo---------------------------------------------+