Updating translations

Olly Betts olly at survex.com
Thu Sep 22 14:43:29 BST 2011

I've been going through the code and making more strings translatable -
there are now ~50-60 strings in need of translation for most of the
languages we already have translations for.

If you use Survex in a language other than English, it would be great
if you could help get these messages translated.

There are a few sites which allow translations to be worked on online
now, and I've been trying a couple.  You need to a login in each case:



Those links can also be found on the front page of the wiki.

Ideally we should standardise on just a single site to avoid duplicated
effort - feedback on which people prefer is welcome (so far there seem
to be things each does better than the other).  For now, I suggest
mentioning on the list if you're doing some translating work, and I'll
try to get any changes synced promptly.

Similarly, if you're using Survex and see a poorly translated message,
please go ahead and propose an improved version.


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